Boxted Hall | Suffolk wedding venue

Boxted Hall. Set in a secluded vale of Suffolk, Boxted Hall is one of those hidden gems that modestly glows with old world charm and quintessential Englishness. A moated manor house that has been home to generations of Toby and Jennie’s family – over 600 years of family. Such a depth of history could be daunting but nothing could be further from the incredibly warm welcome you get when you arrive, invited in as an old familiar friend for tea and a chat in the kitchen. As impressive as the wood-pannelled hall is or the winding corridors through to the library or drawing rooms, this really is a family home as much as a wedding venue. Looking from the front door of Boxted Hall, you can see a church on the hill, perfect place for a wedding ceremony and short walk downhill back to the house with your guests following behind.

Weddings at Boxted Hall

Boxted Hall weddings are as grand as they are intimate. A spectacular moated country house steeped in history yet feels like home the moment you pull up onto the drive. You can see a full wedding blog post from Becky & Rob’s wedding at the Hall to give you an idea of how a day would work, from the church ceremony on top of the hill, the majestic walk down to the hall and the day itself in and around the hall.


Boxted Church

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