Marylebone wedding photography | Just One
- Category: London Wedding Photography, Marylebone Town Hall, Weddings
- Location:
Marylebone wedding photography. Pheeee-yooo, what a scorcher! And I don’t just mean Sarah, the new Mrs Cussins. The weather in London this week has been incredible, beautifully sunny and hot. Now, I’m no fan of global warming and all that it involves but if it means we get the occasional glorious start to spring that this year has brought along, well, maybe I could be convinced otherwise! Marylebone wedding photography is one of my favourite registry offices to photograph in, long wood and marble panelled corridors and lovely registrars (a big bonus these days!) The steps are also iconic, the confetti shot against the grey/brown stone makes couples really stand out. Here’s one of my favourite images that stood out from the day. Many more to follow …as well as the blessing and wedding reception in Suffolk.
Marylebone wedding photos