Christ Church Oxford wedding photographer
- Category: Oxford wedding, Weddings
- Location: Christ Church, Oxford
A very big thank you from Claas and I (& our parents!) for the stunning pictures. Every single picture is beautiful. We are very grateful for all your hard work.
Christ Church Oxford wedding photographer. Normally when I turn up to an Oxbridge porters lodge with an armful of camera bags ready for a wedding, the porter looks down at me with a steely glare. They are ready to set me straight on all the rules and regulations I must follow whilst I am there. It’s always a long suffering look as they’ve probably had to explain things to students, visitors, guests, contractors and assorted staff many, many times over the years. They have it down to a fine art; clipped, unemotional, efficient and blunt. When I mentioned I was there for Claas and Aurelia’s wedding, the porter beamed with pride. “He was a student here, one of our exceptional ones!” In typical understated academic speak, that is very high praise indeed.
Oxford wedding photography
Academic and sporting records aside, and they are pretty damn impressive records, the exceptional qualities these two show in abundance are their incredibly happy, kind, fun and generous personalities. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and happily share the rollercoaster of emotions of their day with all their guests. Whatever the day had in store for them both, the weather or the nerves, the both beamed with infectious smiles throughout.

Christ Church Cathedral wedding ceremony
As it was August in the UK so in traditional style, the weather kept us on our toes. A few drops of rain pushed the guests and tourists into the doorways and alcoves of Tom Quad only to stop a few moments later and bring out glorious blue skies. The wedding ceremony was in the Cathedral. I always think colleges have chapels but this really earns it’s title of Cathedral in it’s size and spectacular beauty. Afterwards, out through the side door for a bubble arcade and into the Masters Gardens for the drinks reception. You’re in the heart of the University grandeur with the college on one side and Christ Church meadows on the other; Magdalen Tower in the distance and the Isis a stone’s throw away.
Christ Church wedding photos
The only really big issue you have as a Christ Church wedding photographer is there are too many photo opportunities. From the expanse of Tom Quad to the intimate corridors, alcoves and cloisters, I could spend all day photographing this incredible couple. And that’s before you take into account any of the glorious light you might be lucky enough to get. But I didn’t want to hijack their day. It was full of emotional speeches from friends and family, testitiment to what beautiful souls they are. Not to let things get too schmaltzy, they showed their impressive dance routine in the Undercroft at the end of the evening!