Hengrave Hall Jewish wedding

These are amazing!! Incredible, thank you!!

Jewish wedding celebrations

Hengrave Hall Jewish wedding. Paul met Robyn when he was working over in the States. They settled in the UK and have rounded their family circle with their gorgeous (and very smiley) baby and an incredible wedding celebration at Hengrave Hall. Ahh, joyous and very simple. Well, joyous, certainly! Simple, not so much. As with so much over the last couple of years, Covid has made any sort of planning very tricky. The wedding itself was planned more than once. Put on hold, shifted around but landing on 3rd July this year. A day before Independence Day, perfect combination of a quintessentially English wedding and American celebration.

Outdoor wedding at Hengrave Hall

The blessing was held outdoors by the lake. It was taken by one of Robyn good friends which made for a very personal and emotional ceremony. Drinks reception on the terrace and on the lawns before heading into the inner courtyard for the wedding breakfast. The courtyard has almost a Mediterranean feel to it, such a beautiful space for the meal.

Us Brits are obsessed with the weather. We’re always talking about it, keeping an eye on the horizon for changes. Never more so than at a wedding. Everything was looking so promising all day long. Then halfway through the meal, a light drizzle kicked in. This was more rain than our Californian guests see in a year but to your average Brit, it barely registered. Certainly not enough to interrupt the excellent starters that had just been served! A few umbrellas were found and napkins used as hats and the day went on. Thankfully it was only a brief break in what was an otherwise perfect weather day.

Hengrave Hall fireworks

After an incredible meal and heartfelt and hilarious speeches, there was the perfect late evening sunset. A great opportunity for a few golden hour photos whilst the guests stretched their legs or took it easy before the evening party started. The evening dancing started with a lot of energy and before that energy flagged, there was a break for some 4th July fireworks (a day early) from the fantastic fireworks display team at Fully Fused Fireworks. A superb way to end an incredible day! Hengrave Hall Jewish wedding.