Norwich wedding photographer | Laura and Steve

Norwich wedding photographer. Our day started off in St Giles House Hotel in the centre of Norwich. I was impressed with the groom’s party who were looking incredibly buffed and polished as only you would expect members of the RAF to be. Everything looking immaculate from buttons and belt buckles to swords and medals. I felt there was also that slight feeling of don’t move too much until after the ceremony so we don’t get anything dirty! A cheeky glass of champagne before heading off to the church – well, it is the the RAF. Laura was upstairs getting ready. A little anxious and a lot excited. She looked simply stunning and just buzzing with excitement.


The wedding ceremony was at St Peter Mancroft which has been a significant part of Laura’s family and her upbringing so it was the obvious choice for her wedding. There was a bit of a breeze as Laura arrived at the church which made for an incredible sight as her veil nearly disappeared off through the city. The church itself is impressive in it’s grandeur. The ceremony was beautifully taken by the vicar making it an emotional and personal day.

I love the look a bride and groom have when they walk up the aisle. I would have said no amount of stern military training can stop anyone from beaming with pride. Just outside the church door, the groom’s party had set up an honour guard with their swords. And Laura and Steve weren’t allowed past until they had a proper first kiss!


After we took some photos in an around the church, it was a short walk to the Assembly House for the drinks reception. We were spoilt with the glorious sunshine which meant the drinks were outside on the lawns. Then into the main rooms for the meal and the evening party. But not before some pretty emotional speeches. Norwich wedding photographer.


RAF weddingSt Giles House Norwich wedding photographerSt Peter MancroftSt Peter Mancroft Church NorwichNorfolk flower girlsMilitary honour guard weddingRAF honour guardRAF guard of honourAnxious Norfolk brideHiding from the wind in St Peter MancroftNorwich brideNorwich weddingSt Peter Mancroft Church wedding photographerSt Peter Mancroft Norwich weddingRAF sword of honour weddingSt Peter Mancroft church weddingNorwich wedding photographerBeautiful flower girls Norwich weddingSt Peter Mancroft weddingNorwich brideAssembly rooms Norwich weddingSt Peter Mancroft NorwichRAF wedding speechAssembly Rooms wedding photographerAssembly Rooms Norwich wedding photographerAssembly Rooms weddingAssembly House Norwich wedding

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