St Brides wedding photography | Emily & Ben

Gloriously sunny day for Emily and Ben’s London wedding. We started with the girls getting ready at The Sloane Square Hotel who were impressively organised and on the case. It meant that there was plenty of time to enjoy a glass of fizz to calm any nerves (and if there were any nerves, they were well in check). Of course, we did have the occasional boy duck in looking very confused about how to tie a tie but that just that was just there to keep everyone on their toes.

Sloane Square bridal photos

With plenty of time in hand, it meant we could nip over the road into Sloane Square for a few family photos and some photos with the bridesmaids. It’s a pretty iconic location even with a few bemused Saturday morning shoppers so a shame not to make the most of it. Then I jumped into a cab to head over to St Brides Church on Fleet Street to meet up with the boys. It is an historic for some many reasons but most noticeably for it’s incredible Wren architecture. This huge church is almost hidden off Fleet Street and it’s spire is the one thing that might catch your attention – it’s said that it’s tiered design was the inspiration for the first wedding cake. Which only seems appropriate!

Sloane Square bride

St Brides Church wedding

Emily arrived in an incredible vintage white Rolls Royce. There is something quite special about arriving at the back of St Brides into Salisbury Square and walking through the arcade looking all the way down through the church to the top of the aisle, it really is your own little moment. All Wren churches are magnificent and this is no exception. Walking up the aisle with your family and friends either side and your groom waiting for you at the top of the aisle. The choir’s singing perfectly resonating over the vaulted ceiling. Then out into the small courtyard to be greeted by everyone and a storm of confetti!

London double decker wedding bus

The guests then hopped onto a big red double decker bus which took them to Piccolino’s Restaurant in Exchange Square, Liverpool Street Station. This gave me an opportunity to grab a few photos of just Emily & Ben around the lanes in Fleet Street before they jumped in that gorgeous white Rolls Royce. They had an impromptu tour of London on their way to the restaurant, apparently vintage Rolls Royces didn’t come in-built with SatNavs. The drinks reception spilt out onto the huge courtyard making the most of the late afternoon sunshine before heading into the restaurant for the evening meal. Poor Ben got an absolute roasting from his brother/best man in the speeches but took it incredibly well. He made up for it with his impressive dance moves on the dance floor later! St Brides wedding photography.

St Brides Church wedding St Brides Church wedding first kiss St Brides Church wedding St Brides Church wedding Sloane Square wedding preparations Sloane Square wedding preparations for a bride Sloane Square wedding preparations for a bride St Brides wedding bride arrives St Brides Church wedding


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